Sunday, July 09, 2006


I have been doing this "Walk America" thing at work since the beginning of May. So far to date, I have taken over 450,000 steps. So far also, I have lost 2 pedometers.

My first pedometer served me well. On my first Buffalo trip (Late May for those not keeping count.), I lost it somewhere. I really don't know where, if I did it wouldn't have been lost. One of the days, I just reached down to my belt, and it was gone. It didn't even leave a note.

I went several weeks at home without a pedometer. I knew roughly the distance from home to work, from home to church, etc., so I just ballparked it. I don't know how many steps I lost by rounding down, but I figure it's a lot.

I bought a second pedometer just before this recent trip. I made it through to the last day in Nauvoo, then in a bathroom, the thing popped off my belt, bounced off a sink, bounced off the tub, and into the toilet. (Nothing but net.) That's the end of the second pedometer.

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