Monday, April 24, 2006

Christmas has arrived!

I got my christmas present from Adam today. He sent me a very nice Hawaiian shirt. He also sent me a Happiness Tiki. I am seriously concidering taking it to the next project meeting where I always seem to end up argueing with people. In the meantime, I will have to see where he will be best located in the house.

It's really very nice, I like it. Thanks Adam.

I also got my new business cards today. If you missed the post talking about the cards, you can refer to the post here.


Mom said...

Love the tiki! But are you taking it to your meeting to promote happiness, or are you going to neglect to tell them that's what he is in hopes of scaring the stuffing out of them?

jjp said...

Promote happiness. Those meetings always seem to devolve into something non-productive.