Sunday, April 09, 2006

Washington D.C.

Darren and I took Evan and Ruth into Washington this afternoon. We were headed to go see the WWII monument. I don't understand why it took 60 years for them to get around to building this thing. It is very nice. They have kiosks over to the side with a National WWII registry on them, so people can look things up. They have pillers representing all the states/territories that supported the war effort. (All of them) There are quotes throughout it, walking in there are bronzes carvings with different WWII era dipictions. There is a central pool with fountains. They have 2 large pillars with eagles in them as side entrances, and they have a central Freedom Wall with 4000 bronze stars representing the 400,000+ service men and women who died in the war. It was very nice.

After we were done looking at it, Evan was not done running, so we went over to the Washington Monument. It was closed, we just walked around it. It was a nice little visit.

I just wonder why they couldn't have done the WWII monument 20 or 40 years ago? It's nice that it is there now, but there are not a lot of veterens of that war left. They are all getting old. Maybe those who went through that war were not ready to deal with the monument back then, and the government really wasn't pressed to do it until that generations children made them do it. It's worth a stop if you are in DC. It's at the end of the reflecting pool, just across the street from the Washington monument.

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