Saturday, April 29, 2006


Online Monopoly was played at They also have online old Atari games. (No Pong...) I was playing them tonight. (It took a little while to figure out I could make the screen bigger.) The games are old. There is no joystick and buttons on my laptop. The games are still ok.

Now Nintendo is coming out with a new controller on their new system, Wii. It is split in 2 pieces. I will not get the new game system, not just becuase the name is WII in all capitals. (A Japanese company making something to remind people (with nothing better to do than think of these things) of World War 2? What were they thinking?) Now I have to find some site where I can provide feedback on the name...

Anyhow, we had a Colecovision growing up, I spent plenty of time playing Donkey Kong, Frogger, and Defender. No Atari. Give me a Colecovision with the old controllers, one of these three games, and an hour to tune up, and I'll take on anyone.

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