Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sometimes I think they shouldn't let me have the root password for my laptop.

They ordered our new laptops today. (In purchasings hands.) They estimate that the laptops will be here the first couple days of May.

This has emboldened me a little with the one I have. This afternoon I tried doing something to the operating system that I can gaurentee is not supported by the Suse people. That's never stopped me before, I've done plenty of things in HPUX that the HP Support Center would balk at. (The HPUX Engineers might not, but they also might not want all customers trying some of the things I have done. When there is an outage, you do what you have to to get the machine up sometimes...) Anyway, I try not to play too much with my main laptop OS, but I ended up doing it this afternoon anyway. I don't think I caused any permanent damage, but I was about to reboot my laptop when someone asked me to restore something for them on a machine. I did it, they walked away, and I typed reboot. What I failed to do was log out of the server... I figure it's time to go home now.

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