Thursday, April 13, 2006

Equally Yoked

The Stake President was talking about his trip to Nauvoo (he was in Chicago and drove over for a day or 2.) in Presidency meeting tonight. He talked about how on the oxen, the yoke had a number of holes for the pin that attaches to the load they pull, not just connected in the center. He started talking about how he learned that the yoke can be pinned closer to a stronger ox, so that if one of a team is stronger than the other, it can pull a greater portion of the load. In this way, they were equally yoked. Not doing an equal amount of the work, but doing their share based on their abilities.

I had been nodding my head slightly while he was talking about it, mostly because it made sense to me more than anything else. When he got done talking, he asked if I had experience with that sort of thing, since I was nodding my head. My response was "No, but on my Mom's side of the family, we come from a long line of backwoods people."

They laughed, we moved on.

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