Thursday, April 13, 2006

More Postal Service fun

Tara got a postcard the other day. It was to invite us to her 10 year class reunion at the ballroom in the library here in town. This was great, except her reunion was in 2004. The card was postmarked 23 Jul 2004. Needless to say, we missed it.

How does this happen? Some guy was doing a 50,000 mile cleaning to some sorting machine, and out popped this card? Has it been stuck to the bottom of a shoe? The address was right, the thing just showed up now.

Anyway, now I want to make three "mail" boxes for my front porch: one labeled 'Mail', one labeled 'Not Mail', and one labeled 'Junk Mail'. (The bottom one would not have a bottom, anything placed in it is immediately shreded.)

It's too bad the Postal Service doesn't offer some sort of "Junk mail" service like you can get from any good email client. Just charge me some amount a month, but let me put certain places on my junk mail list so that I do not see it. The first thing I would do is mark anything from Wilmington, Delaware, zip code 19886 as junk. This zip code has a population of zero. It's a zip code shared by credit card companies with high volume mail. (This little fact brought to you by the Feb 2005 National Geographic...)


~ Amy said...


~ Amy said...

Maybe I shouldn't have mailed my tax forms. . . Turbo Tax wanted $29.95 to file electronically for me...I elected to mail it in.

jjp said...

The fee you pay turbotax is deductible the next year...